This Movie Stays With You....
30 July 2002
I find it peculiar that some people claim that this is a "stupid" movie, or "a waste of 2.5 hours of their lives." Mr. Lynch has created a fascinating puzzle-box of a film. The beauty of it is, it actually takes some thought to get to the resolution of the issues (and, yes, there is a resolution- at least to the largest of the loose ends). Perhaps it is not for everyone- afterr all, that is why "Crossroads" sold tickets.

The film style is appropriately dark, and the music perfectly matches the noir- meets- Kafka feel of the film. The saddest part is that, had Mr. Lynch been given the chance, Mulholland Drive could have been the perfect antidote for the "Friends" clones which were plaguing television at the time of the filming of the original pilot. If there is any justice, Naomi Watts' career should take off after her spectacular performance.
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