Review of The Girls' Room

Surprisingly refreshing indie sleeper chick-flick
8 August 2002
"The Girls' Room" is a surprisingly engaging little indie "sleeper" about two college seniors and roomies. One is a proper and privileged Southern Bell "have" (Taber) and the other a pot smoking, beer drinking, sexually active "have-not" (Frye aka Punky Brewster). The plot is about the inevitable conflict and competition which, after much ado involving friends and guys and girl issues, results in both learning more about themselves through each other. The film manages an even tone, avoids the usual excesses of filmdom, and communicates an important subliminal message about how, though we all may take different paths through life, we can learn from each other and arrive at the same destination of self-actualization realizing a happiness as unique as ourselves. A pleasure to watch and highly recommendable, especially for females. (B)
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