Scott Glenn deserves better
16 November 2003
Scott Glenn is about the only reason to sit through this routine cops and action thriller that plays like McCloud in Florida--if McCloud were a violent racist redneck. At least that's how the movie starts out. Scott Glenn spews a stream of anti-Mexican racial invective in the opening sequence that is amusingly nasty and also brings to mind some of the more edgy elements of the first Dirty Harry movie. Actually The Last Marshal works pretty well until Glenn's character is sent to Florida on the trail of two suspects--then the movie not only turns into a standard issue fish out of water thriller but becomes spineless--once Glenn is paired up with a hot Hispanic female partner he becomes such an emotional softie that Alan Alda in his salad days would probably have been embarrassed. Scott Glenn is a fine actor and always worth watching, but it's a shame that he only gets leads these days in straight to video junk like this. Movie does at least have a sense of humor about itself, which helps.
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