Review of Boredom

Boredom (1998)
Disappointing but worth seeing
4 June 2002
In this psychological farce we see the demise of philosophy tutor Martin (Charles Berling) who embarks on a sexually charged foray with the young and rubenesque Cecilia (Sophie Guillaume).

Berling does ‘obsessive' with great zeal and gives us enough of an insight into the sane Martin to maintain some sympathy with him later in the film. Guillaume is a likeable if not slightly difficult to understand character. We understand that she enjoys sexual pleasure and right from the start reveals an awareness of her effect on the older men with whom she has relationships but she continues to tolerate unquestioningly the excesses of Martin's behaviour long after we feel she would have ceased. Arielle Dombasle plays the increasingly likeable character of Martin's wife, a less and less willing confidante, and a woman concerned to protect her new-life

For a film based on sexual obsession, the sex depicted is quite unrealistic and verges on the comic at times.

A bit long, but not ‘ennuyant' and for me, was a bit disappointing.
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