I Can't Believe It Got Big Name Actors.
5 July 2000
This was a last resort for me. I had seen everything else at the video store so I got this, and that was my first mistake. Instead of seeing something I had seen 100 times before that was actually enjoyable like "Fight Club" or even "Muppets from Space", I decided to hire something I hadn't seen before. Surveying the cover seeing the names such as Mike Myers, Janeane Garofalo, Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, Illeana Douglas and Jason Priestly, I was expecting a half way decent movie, that was my second mistake. This movie tries so hard to be subtly funny that it forces its "comedy" in front of the viewer and poses the question "Aren't we funny for being so subtle with our comedy" In a word: No. This movie has a very strong parallel to "Waiting for Guffman": A closeted gay creative type, a motley crew of entertainers and quirky characters, however that is where the parallels finish, for you see "Waiting For Guffman" is a witty non hollywood movie that has some familiar faces and subtle comedy, "The Thin Pink Line" is full of hollywood celebs which the makers seem to load in to try and make up for a very tedious unfunny 101 minutes.Sure there are some lines which envoke a chuckle or a brief belly laugh, but unfortunately, a weak script with a predictable ending as well as an overly eager cast it just doesnt quite gel. The highest score I could give this movie is 2 out of 10, I feel like sending a condolence wreath to the director with a note attached reading "Saw the latest movie, my deepest sympathies"
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