Electrifying Performance in a Moving Vehicle
27 June 2000
I rented this movie not knowing exactly what to expect. What I got was an absolutely electric performance from Oscar winner Angelina Jolie. I am not just some guy who thinks she's hot or anything, but I am your average 15 year-old girl, and I could identify with Winona Ryder's character. But Angelina Jolie in this film reminded me of a few friends of my own, and every time I watch this movie I am mesmerized by her acting. She's tough, but at the same time vulnerable, and despite all of her attitude, she tries to make people happy in the way she knows how. I would watch this movie a thousand times just to see her acting it it. I give her performance a 10 out of 10, and I know this performance is not just a fluke... for her short screen time in "Gone In Sixty Seconds" she sure can keep a movie moving.
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