A worthwhile adaptation of a fine novel
2 April 2000
Clyde Edgerton's novel, on which this movie is based, is one of the funniest books I have ever read. Some of that comedy is situational, which can be translated to the screen, and some is a matter of Edgerton's writing-- his tone, his word choice, his timing-- which can't be carried over into a movie. That said, this adaptation catches the heart of the story-- about an elderly widow who decides to accept a juvenile delinquent as a sort of foster son-- and Burstyn portrays the widow as feistily as Edgerton describes her. If this summary make the movie sound like a "Touched by an Angel"-style wannabe, it should not. The characters behave like believable human beings worse!], and their idiosyncracies both charm and irritate. By all means, rent this video. And then do yourself a big favor and read the book.
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