Review of Out in Fifty

Out in Fifty (1999)
Surreal, dramatic storytelling with plot twists galore
27 August 2000
Surreal, complex storytelling. Excellent acting, though maybe too discordant for some viewers.

Ex-con with a good heart meets up with chronic marijuana user and his wannabe actress wife in LA. In typical indie fashion too many plot twists to spoil here. Great imagery and strong emotion. Mistaken identity, or just desserts, you decide.

Judging by the average review, many people "just don't get it."

How far would you go for millions?

Did he kill the woman, and does he deserve to die?

Good intentions meet bad characters. An ex-con just trying to go straight meets the wrong people at the wrong time.

Mickey Rourke excellent as a vengeful cop on the down-turn, where vengeance gets the best of justice, or does it?
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