Cracking. Hot movie
23 August 1999
I think Nick Webster was watching a different version of 'Rancid...' after reading his views. Me and three friends were selected to preview the film which to be fair they did stress was very much a work in progress.

The first thing that struck me was the cast which interacted brilliantly on screen. The music grabbed you from the start and the photography was some of the best I've seen in a British movie. Rhys Ifans is fantastic as Pete Thompson, convincing you to really engage with his plight as everything around him falls to pieces. Steven Berkoff rocks - as usual. The only slightly dodgy part was Tara Fitzgerald's accent but that's more than compensated by being able to watch her. She looks stunning and the sexual chemistry between her and Rhys is scintilating.

Joseph Fiennes is superb out of his pantaloons and a very sinister performance culminates in the most astonishingly scary shoot out of any film let alone Tarantino. This is a solid British movie which might have its detractors but we enjoyed it for what it is. Love or hate but those who see it will never forget the humour, sex, violence and style of the piece. See it, you will be the only one that doesn't when its out.
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