The Item (1999)
This movie is so stupid,I`M sorry I rented it!
21 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers

I read what this movie was about at the hollywood video store and it sounded like it was going to be one heck of a monster fest.I watch the first 20 minutes of it and I turned it off.I just couldn`t believe it.About a hundred F words,a gang dressed in drag and other very distgusting things.We still havn`t found out what the creature or monster was.We then played the and fast forwarded the this filthy film just to see the monster and it turns out to be a worm! A stupid looking puppett.And boy what a way to end it.We see this woman having sex with it!!! Like this is supose to be so dang great! Here I was expecting a hardcore moster fest and is all I got was a woman having fun with a stupid worm!If you really like stupid movies this rent this stupid Item.
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