Review of Almost Famous

Almost Famous (2000)
Great Entertainment
16 November 2003
This movie has been criticised for being unrealistic - and possibly it is. But so are predecessors such as Pulp Fiction, Boogie Nights, Get Shorty et al. These, as well as Almost Famous are great entertainment and surely that is what we watch movies for?

The cast is close to faultless - with the possible exception of Frances McDormand, who probably should not be blamed for her over-the-top character - it is probably more in the writing than in the enactment. Many of her scenes just do not ring true, likewise the totally unbelievable airplane sequence, which, although amusing and very enlightening, was so amateurish in execution that it spoiled in some ways an otherwise excellent movie.

These carps aside, Almost Famous gives us the type of escapism that most of us dream of - a 15 year old, able to live his dream, with the assistance of Penny Lane - and a load of good luck. Add to that a fairytale ending - some laughs and a few tears, the perfect formula for a night's entertainment. Highly recommended.
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