Phone Booth (2002)
Chilling and Amazing ***1/2 out of ****
1 August 2003
"Phone Booth" is about a New York publicist Stu Sheperd (Colin Farrell) who is your typical a**hole. He's stuck-up, snobby, selfish, and an all-around liar. He goes to the same phone booth, every day at the same time, to call his girlfriend Pam (Katie Holmes), so his wife Kelly (Radha Mitchell) won't find out. But one day, he goes to call his girlfriend. When he's done, the phone rings again, and he's instantly target of a sniper (Keither Sutherland), who makes him follow his orders and threats.

I thought this movie was brilliantly planned and amazing. Colin Farrell does a wonderful job as Stu, and I was also impressed by Katie Holmes's job because I think she's usually a teen actress. Forest Whitetaker and Keither Sutherland also got my attention in the movie. Overall: acting, plot, setting, and characters were well-done (A-)
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