Cutthroats (1994)
Worst DVD in the history of cinema Part 2: CutThroats
15 October 2003
Why the Summary? Well i caught this "movie" (note the quotation marks) on a DVD released by Sub-Rosa that also had "Loons" on it, it also had a short on it, but my DVD player broke down before I got to see it (must have gotten good taste).

This one seemed so long & boring, that it made "Loons", which i HATED with every fiber of my being, seem like a piece of art!! In "CutThroats NOTHING happens. A guy who can't sleep goes to his office and does..Yup you guessed it NOTHING. How do i know he was tired?? Because he was doing those annoying exagerated yawns ALL movie long!! The acting stunk so bad that I thought my septic tank burst in my living room. At one point a woman goes to her boss, asking him to break a dollar for her. What does he do? YUP YOU'RE RIGHT..he rips the dollar bill in half. I was SO ready to punch a hole in my TV set because of this movie.

So in conclusion to my special two part DVD review let me tell you this. The director/writer of this movie should by shunned. Not only shunned, but blacklisted. He should go into door to door toilet selling or ANYTHING but making movies. If Ed Wood were alive he'd go to the maker of this film & ask "what the hell were you thinking, man????"
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