Mach Rider (1985 Video Game)
good mix of action & racing
13 March 2002
For it's time, Mach Rider on the NES was quite an original and fun game. It was one of the very first console games which gave the player the ability to create there own 'levels' to play. (Wrecking Crew and Excitebike were other games that included this option)

The gameplay was fast and furious. Not only did you have to blast your way through enemy vehicles and barrels on the track, you also had to avoid oil slicks but you also needed to keep your bike at a good speed to avoid enemies ramming you from behind! Getting to the end of each course before the timer runs out is another added challenge and can sometimes be the most difficult part of the game.

Good reflexes came in handy for the tight corners where you had little time to see, let alone react to incoming threats. Judgment was also a must for the ice-covered tracks.

Although there is not a whole lot of lastability in this game, it is great for an occasional short-term gaming session.

Mach Rider's graphics and sound were average, even for the time it was made, however there was a real sense of speed at times, especially going around sharp corners.

The actual design mode where you can design your own course's wasn't the easiest to use, although it was nice of Nintendo to add this feature into their game.

Overall, a good game with many nice ideas, just not enough to make this title stand out from the rest.

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