The Sailor Moon live action musicals, the overlooked gems of Sailor Moon fandom
4 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Few US fans have ever even heard of the SailorMoon musicals, which to this day still play on the stages of Japan. There are no subtitled versions of any of them to date, but just because they are in Japanese does not mean they can not be enjoyed. A viewer can tell what they are speaking of just by watching closely.

(A few SPOILERS below but as this musical is very rare I really would like to speak more about it in detail) This musical, the one that started it all is entitled when translated "An Alternate Legend: The Dark Kingdom Revival Story" and puts together the story of both the anime and manga (comic) to tell a somewhat different story of the first 5 senshis battle against the evil that destroyed their planets long ago. If you are a fan of the Four Generals (Kunzite, Zoisite, Nephrite and Jadeite) and their relationships with Minako (Mina), Ami (Amy),Makoto (Lita) , and Rei this musical is one not to miss. Also, See Luna and Artemis in their first and only appearice in any of the musicals!

My favorite quote?

Artemis: Hai hai nandesho (Yes, yes! Whatever.)
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