You mean it wasn't a spoof?
3 January 2002
Like the previous comments, i thought i had tuned in to a spoof of 'That 70's show', one of the funniest teen sitcoms and a pretty cool show. The over-exaggerated character clones and crummy dialog kept me thinking this was a spoof, and i kept thinking it was a damn long sketch, until the credits rolled and the horror hit me. then i watched the following episode and things only got worse.

The whole show is almost an exact transplant of 'That 70's show' with the same characters, similar sets and the same plot lines for episodes, simply rewritten and reworked to be set in england. Even the opening credits are the same, only so much worse. If you've never seen the original show, you will simply think this is bad. If you have seen the original show, the word 'butchered' comes to mind.

The characters have the same personalities and traits, and even names in some cases (i think the others were changed to be more english), but each one is a bad clone of their american counterparts. The sets could almost be the same ones from the original show (they may even be the same ones) but this is meant to be an english show, so why use sets of wooden houses with basements!?

The only thing that isn't copied across is the script, and this makes the least sense as the new writing is abismal. The jokes are tragic when they come, and that is not very often. Instead the story tends to lean more towards a moral outline than the humour aspect, and with the bad costumes, stupid hair and stiff acting, theres just no way you can take the show seriously.

Overall they've taken a fantastic show, performed a less than half assed cultural conversion, added a makeshift cast who bear a strikingly bad resemblance to the characters, and finally fleshed out borrowed plot lines with some tragic writing. It's surely a travesty when good shows get cancelled and something like 'days like these' can get air time.
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