Review of All the Way

All the Way (1999)
Worth Watching!
23 May 2000
Warning: Spoilers

All The Way is the romantic comedy about five best friends and one big problem. When Steve's family home is foreclosed on by a corrupt bank manager, his friends (Robyn, Danny, Lisa and Mike) must find $30,000 in 30 days.

They decide the only way to raise that much money is to make a film... an adult film.

Now these nice, clean-cut kids don't know the first thing about making a home video, let alone an erotic masterpiece but together they try to solve all of the problems, relationship hassles, philosophical arguments and technicalities of shooting such a film... in time.


Steve rekindles a flame with his old school sweetheart, Karrie.... a theology student,

Mike can't keep his tongue in his mouth - it's full of his foot!

Robyn's lover, Anna, won't condone this misogynism and forces Robyn to quit the group,

And the Bank Manager sets a nasty goon after Steve and his friends.

In the face of all this, Steve manages to overcome his problems but only with the help of the people he loves, because you've got to have friends which is really what the film is about anyway.

The beauty of this film is that it works. We've all seen films that are big and expensive and bad. This film works, the story is sweet. The characters are nicely drawn. And with all this, it was made on a shoestring, released theatrically and is out on video through Fox.

It shows what can be achieved with little or no resources.

Sure, the acting, lighting, camera work and sound are not up to hollywood standard. But it was shot with less than $30,000. Total!

Not bad.

This is a film that should be seen by all aspiring film makers who have a story and a dream. It is possible!
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