Ute Lemper chante Kurt Weill (1992 TV Special)
Very mannered!!!
11 November 2003
Ute Lemper has a good voice, an impressive command of diction (when she isn't coyly whispering the words.) and languages and is a very attractive performer. But why does she insist on imposing her cutesy mannerisms to the extent that there is no "line" left in the vocalism? To me, the songs of Kurt Weill don't need the kind of "help" she gives them and I think that Lotte Lenya with very little voice and a not awfully attractive appearance is much better on a video or low fidelity recording than Ms. Lemper with all the staging, the shtick and the peculiar arrangements.

I didn't see much of the Nyman section but it looked as though she was a lot less mannered in it than in the Weill.

Stick with Lotte, Teresa Stratas or even Walter Huston who was much more straightforward in the September Song.

An additional comment (June 2005): I heard a CD of Weill's Three-Penny Opera with Ms. Lemper which I think is much earlier and I was struck how straightforward it was all-around. I also heard that she has again reverted somewhat to her original style since this DVD but haven't heard any of her recent performances.
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