A menacing Skeletor and an effeminate He-Man?! What the--?
26 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers

On Eternia, Prince Adam reveals his identity to his parents for no apparent reason and imbarks on a journey to save another planet from the evil of Skeletor.

This early 1990's update of the He-Man series tried to make He-Man more 'sensitive'...as if a chiseled-out warrior teaching little kids such timely lessons like, 'DON'T PUT MUSTARD ON A CAT!'*** is not sensitive enough! This series made He-Man completely unrecognizable. Sporting blue pants and little-to-no muscle tone, this 'He-Man' looked less like a HE-MAN, and more like some Joe Schmoe who just bought a plastic He-Man toy sword and accessories from his local Walmart!

He-man is introduced to an all new cast of allies. Unfortunately, none of these characters are anything worth noting (except Trissy. I think she's a cutie.) Likewise, Skeletor has to deal with a bunch of lackies who are even dumber than his crew in Snake Mountain! With absolute lame-brains like BUTT-HEAD (not to be confused with Beavis' nose-picking partner), old characters like Beastman and Trapjaw are starting to look like DESTRO in comparison!

The animation and storytelling are nowhere near the level of Filmation's He-Man series. There are, however, a few things in this series that are redeemable.

1)PRINCE ADAM ACTUALLY LOOKS DIFFERENT FROM HE-MAN!! They made Prince Adam look like a pauper. The average Joe Schmoe would be hardpressed to ever think that this pesent would ammount to anything, much less turn into He-Man. This is a stark contrast to the original, where the only difference between He-Man and Adam is purple clothes. At least Superman had a pair of glasses to hide behind!

2)SKELETOR IS ACTUALLY MENACING!!!! The original Skeletor was a whining, sniveling coward who would run from a fight if given the opportunity. In this series, Skeletor is a calculating, imposing warrior who can hold his own in a fight. Of course, considering the losers he's allied with, he had no choice but to bring his game up!

3)TRISSY. She's such a cutie.

Thankfully, you don't have to even bother with this series. Why? Because the few good things about this series has been carried over to the NEW HE-MAN SERIES from the Cartoon Network. So you will not only get a pauper-like Prince Adam who turns into a MUSCLEBOUND HE-MAN (instead of a dork in blue pants), you'll also get to see him fight a calculating and dominating Skeletor instead of a whiny and cowardly one! And while Trissy is unfortunately NOT in it, the redesigned Teela more than makes up for it.

In other words, just forget this series even existed and watch the series running on the Cartoon Network.

***-By the way, let it be known that I did NOT make up that "DON'T PUT MUSTARD ON A CAT" lesson. Find the episode, 'Teela's Quest' from the original He-Man series, and check that episodes lesson of the day. God...what were they THINKING?!
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