I still shudder just looking at the reviews...
7 April 2003
I purchased this steaming pile on eBay after hearing about: 1) its badness 2) its first appearance of Boba Fett and 3) its historical significance in the Star Wars series

I am ashamed to say I paid money for this. I sat through the whole thing optimistically thinking that perhaps something good is going to happen next... I allowed my college dorm floor to watch it (for which they still want to kill me). The Holiday Special does have some quality to it (mostly the fact that it is Star Wars related), but should not be viewed under any circumstances! Lets face it, many things have historical Star Wars significance like Splinter of the Mind's Eye and those crappy Ewok movies, but I won't subject myself to those (again) and this is by far worse than those.

Imagine, for those of you who have seen Sonny and Cher or other variety shows, that this is a variety show starring the cast of Star Wars along with <shudder> late 70s icons. I hope that Lucas merely gave permission to do this because I'd hate for his reputation to be sullied beyond what inventing Jar-Jar did. For gosh sakes, Chewbacca has a son named Lumpy in this thing! The only thing that could've made this "special" worse is if we had found out that Chewbacca had a speech impediment all this time and all the other Wookies spoke perfectly good English.

Bottom line, this is one horrendous -thing- and should be avoided by all but the most hard core fan (and even then be forwarned). It's really not even worth the first appearance of Boba Fett except to brag to your friends that you have lived through a viewing. I give this craptacular masterpiece a 1 out of 10 (Mind-numbingly bad on the ragnarok47 critique-o-scale).
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