Review of Culture

Culture (1999)
"Culture" is a funny and poignant comment on culture.
16 September 1999
Ari Gold's film, "Culture," says more in sixty seconds about the state of late-20th-Century Western culture than many learned academicians have managed to do in sixty heady tomes on the subject. His use of primary colors, black and white, points up out obsession with "art," and we find ourselves taking the film very seriously, indeed. Then, as Mr. Gold begins to gyrate around, mimicing a man being ripped to pieces in a fusillade of bullets, one begins to recall how many critics called "Pulp Fiction" real art, and prostituted themselves to the pimps of violence (talk about mixed metaphors), and we laugh with him. The point is, with or without heavy cultural commentary, Mr. Gold has made a wonderful film
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