Is this movie perhaps the result of an online gimmick in which 30 different people were each allowed to write 4 pages of the script?
24 November 2001
My friend always wanted to rent this movie because there was something about the picture on the box that appealed to her. One day I relented, we rented it, and I ended up flushing two hours of my life down the world's deepest toilet. This movie addressed just about every issue, both major and minor, known to man (Did somebody mention "eskimos with yeast infections?" I don't know. Why the oversight, Chadra?); and none too insightfully. No objectivity, rather one person presents the "correct," PC view while the other person is depicted as being a backward thinking half-a-moron. But, anyway, rent this movie and make a drinking game out of it. Each time a new issue pops up out of absolutely nowhere, take a big swig of beer. Every time one of the more seasoned performers over-acts, take another sip. Whenever one of the newcomers starts getting on your nerves with their high-pitched whining, drink the whole can. Take little sips every time the music gets super melodramatic. Don't drive after watching this movie. Seriously, this movie is so bad that it's actually pretty fun to watch with the right people.
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