Today's Special (1981–1987)
The garbage on Nick these days-makes me cringe!!!!
27 December 2003
This is the only show that had and still has meaning for me. Jeff has released 2 CD's of his with brilliant singing- I own them both-- Nickelodean used to be fantastic in the 80's-

Today's Special, You Can't Do That On TV etc...

Muffy was how I get interested in writing poetry, -I always thought that there was an undertone of love between Jeff and Jodie-- like Michael and Bonnie on "Knight Rider"--

A few episodes stick out---

Going treasure hunting for Pirate Pete's gold---as Jeff goes on his own hunt throughout the store- we learn about map reading and how to read a compass---

Phil the Alcohalic--strong episode---dealt with Alcohal

Jeff not knowing he needs sleep to remain alert

The crooked commercial director who visits- he promises a spot in a commercial for Muffy to advertise Jeans, but the tables are turned when he meets Mort= Junior where he wants to take Muffy as part of his collection of toys cause he gets to greedy- Junior- the ultimate Man-Child!!!!

Waldo visits in a sour mood- and needs a special remedy gathered

from our 4 cast members!!!

Jody and Jeff trapped in the stalled elevator- the aid of a wheelchair boy comes to their rescue--

Valdy personally meets Jodi and the cast sing one of his songs with him---

Mort starts a fire in Muffy's apartment to keep warm--Sam sprays it out--

Sam and Jeff eat a whole bag of cookies-getting big stomach aches--

Memories where Jeff sings in my opinion his best solo in the series

When Jeff needs to help a young lady realize it's OK to move


A while back, a comment was posted at how Jeff- since he was a mannequin-did not know about how the world worked----, and that he was considered naive due to the fact he was indeed a mannequin (Did not know what a family was, or did not know what sleep is)

His perceptions of the topics throughout the series from his point of view make him far more smart than his 3 fellow cast members (Jody Sam Muffy and Mrs Pennypacker, Waldo and Mort occasionally)--than what he is seen as---

Jeff in fact seems to know more than he realizes in each episode
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