15 November 2003
Some novelists are crowned as God and you just ask why. Willem Elsschot is one of them, every Dutschspeaking student is forced to read at least one (boring) novel by him and seeing "Lijmen" was more a sort of forcing thing than anything else, but how wrong I was! Robbe De Hert made an amusing story of all times out of it...this deals about salesmen without any heart and who can let people simple everything. Boorman (to my great surprises a fantastic performance by TVlegend Mike Verdrengh) visits shops and tells them he will write an article about them...in fact a whole special issue will be dedicated to their business and of course it ends up that at the end they all buy their issues themselves...and he only has rule : business is business, no regrets. A very enjoyable film with only one problem : the last 5 minutes...it was like Robbe (in fact it wasn't such a pretty thing as he almost ended up fighting with his Dutch producer) had to find a Hollywoodending. Despite this, "Lijmen/Het Been" is a great Belgian movie!
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