Review of Moloch

Moloch (1999)
One of the 10 worst movies ever!
21 April 2003
Imagine a movie that nothing happens! This is it. If you can pass the first 10 minutes where Eva Braun dances and nothing is said, you are very persistent. A silent movie is way better than that. The director should be cooking or reading, never making movies. The premise was great but the result is awful. The dialogues are poor. Even the cinematography could be better. It seems like a play with poor dialogues. I couldn't find a thing interesting in this movie. It is the first time I rate 1/10 in a movie and that because I could not give it a 0/10. This is the most boring and bada movie I've ever seem. It was just released in Brazil and I hope people don't lose their time with this movie. Go see THE PIANIST!
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