That Headband Thingy...
19 March 2001
I saw this movie late night on a Spanish channel's million dollar matinee. If you are into cheap martial art flicks, this could be one worth viewing. The story has two parts, one that is completely boring and filled with a man who is sick, the other has great stereotypical action. Who can argue with a black ninja, who like all other fighters in this movie, we can tell is a ninja as it clearly says "NINJA" on his headband. His sword even works as a ninja death thermometer which goes red as he kills. I wont lie, the parts with the dying villager make little sense (not like any of this movie does), but I have to forgive it when I see cheap camera stops to make people vanish. Not to forget, a ninja in pink was rather enlightening to see, though fairly disturbing. Overall, I feel they could've done a lot more with this film, such as cut out the villager's story and replace it with the much better fighting. So I would say, don't rent it, and instead wait for it to come on late one night to keep you from having to watch Thundercats reruns.
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