It didn't work for me.
6 April 2002
I found this film in the "Godzilla and friends" section of my local video store and rented it because I haven't seen to many latter day Japanese monster movies. All the info I gleaned from the box seemed to indicate this was an entirely live action Japanese monster movie. The film started out okay with a live action talking (!) T Rex and a city being attacked by a weird bat/dinosaur monster. Then the film switches to animation. All the scenes involving humans were in cartoon animation but the monsters were in live action. This might be some kind of experiment, but it didn't work for me. The film looks as though some producer culled monster scenes from various Japanese monster movies and T.V. shows and lobbed them together with scenes from a Japanese animated cartoon. The film kind of resembles those God awful Jerry Warren films where he took monsters scenes from Mexican horror films and then edited them together with new footage of American actors reacting to horrors shot in another country years before. The result being an incoherent mess. The films episodic structure only re-enforces this impression.

I thought some of the live action monster scenes were okay. I liked the scenes of a teradactl chomping away at an office building with its beak. However, the constant switching back and forth from live action to cartoon animation becomes irritating. Plus I didn't think the cartoon animations scenes were that good either, but I'm not a big fan of Japanese animation, so perhaps I'm the wrong person to judge.
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