No Shelter Here!
21 March 2002
I came across this movie on DVD. It's the kind of movie that would never be your first choice to hire from the video store.If the movie you want is out then you'll pick up something like this.Well it's got some guys from The Sopranos in it (Uncle Junior & Pussy),so you think "I'll give this a watch" but you're really not really happy with your choice in your heart. Part of you suspects that it sucks.Well, does it?The answer- Yes and No. Firstly, it's well-shot on great locations and the acting is generally good(Frank Vincent could have played the part of Sal in his sleep).Pussy from The Sopranos plays a Pussy clone and Uncle Junior plays a priest.The plot is fairly predictable and has a really sordid rape scene which is shown in an unecessarily graphic manner.The characters are ultra-dull and you really do not care what happens to them by the end of the movie. Still, Michael Sergio's direction shows promise and while the movie is less than great it is not bad. Mind you, my expectations were not high on that wet Thursday afternoon in the video store.
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