12 September 1999
This will probably go down as Australian television's most infamous failure of 1999. After its axing, a body of opinion seems to have been formed that it wasn't such a bad show. Unfortunately this wasn't the case.

There were many problems with the show. Firstly, it seemed to be mandatory that every sketch in the show had go for as twice as long as it needed to be and this is presuming the sketch was funny in the first place, which it often wasn't. Secondly, Molloy himself was one of the show's central weaknesses as he seemed to constantly rely on his blokey, crass and laidback persona for laughs rather then attempting anything witty or clever.

Finally, Molloy's show made the mistake of being similar in structure to his successful radio show. If the show had been tailored more to the medium of TV, it might have been a success.
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