Molloy maligned.
2 December 2002
What is it about commercial television that takes the greatest talent of the day, enslaves them by expecting instant ratings results, then bulldozes them into the sea when they don't come up to scratch on time?

The Molloy era at Channel 9 Melbourne will have to go down as one of the most painful for programming executives, but one of the most entertaining for devotees of live broadcast. The show was a "free-for-all" combining the talents of some of the best comics of the day with an attitude of "bugger-it" on the night. Great intro & interlude music from Hester & others and a steady stream of regulars ready to cater to Mick's every whim. And live it was - When a guest came on to sell a new book about Barby's in Australia, Mick pointed out that the Dragon shaped Barbecue on one of the pages was the spot where they cremated Mark Hunter!

"Crass, urine soaked, visual sputum" was how one critic described the programme at the time. However in the next paragraph the woman went on to praise Friends. Unfortunately the intellectual minnows of the journalism world seem to hold as much sway with readers as those who seek higher enlightenment.

It has been a few years now since its' passing and barely a word has been spoken of it. There will obviously be no re-runs on the horizon and I'm sure 9 won't allow it to be released on DVD under their banner. Therefore, it is up to those who were recording on those lazy Saturday evenings to treasure their tapes. It was the last great live show of the 20th century and if 9 has its' way, we'll never see the like of it again.
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