Review of The Omega Code

Best "Christian" Movie in decades
19 October 1999
I thought this was a good movie. The pace was fast, and rarely did it lag. Michael York was splendidly evil as was Michael Ironside. The lighting was superb, and it was good to see a movie that could contain violence without feeling as if they had to rub my nose in the blood and gore. The most amazing part of this movie was that it was made for $7M. I only wish they would have spent $8-9M so they could have given Cassandra more depth, and perhaps spent more time working on a little more plausible dialog between Gillen and his wife. The wife's lines were the most disappointing part of this film for me.

I was left with some questions from a Biblical standpoint, but really, it's just a movie, and doesn't claim to be Revelation on film.
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