Chump Change (2000)
Great Surprise! Great flick!
12 February 2004
This movie blew me away. I had no idea it was going to be this funny. My roomate recently bought it because he knew someone who was in it. I knew nothing about the movie. One night I was bored- by myself and thought I would check it out. I laughed...and laughed...and laughed. Seriously, it was almost too funny. You go back and forth from Wisconsin and L.A. The Wisconsin parts give you a few breaks from the funny but the L.A. stuff makes me pee my pants. T. Mathheson is the bomb. He's incredible. If half the stuff stephen burrows wrote is true then that guy had one hell of an expereince in L.A. Did I mention it is based on a true story. Traci Lords is in it. I've seen other movies with her, but none where she kept her clothes on. She actually rocks as an actress. I wish her the best. Folks, this is a must see.
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