Review of Disco Dancer

Disco Dancer (1982)
Entertainingly Silly
26 May 2003
This is the incredibly silly story of a heroic Disco Dancer and his mother trying to restore their good name and defeat the evil Disco Dancer and his rich, evil father. The evil Disco Dancer has a goofy Freddy Mercury mustache and rips off the 80's song Video Killed the Radio Star. The good Disco Dancer snaps his fingers when he fights like an extra from West Side Story. The main bad guy employs that big goofy looking bearded white guy who was in so many Indian movies of the era as a heavy. The musical numbers are the reason to show up - they are frequent and hilarious.

I definitely recommend this movie. Very goofy stuff, great singing and dancing, mega-retarded plot. My girlfriend, who generally can't stand silly movies, had the "I am Disco Dancer" song stuck in her head for a week. Go crazy!
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