Review of Get Carter

Get Carter (2000)
It hurts me to say it, but another misfire from Stallone...
16 August 2002
I must confess I hadn't seen the original Get Carter before watching this.

I'm glad, this way I'm not biased.

Carter is a 'heavy' for a loanshark. When he hears about his brothers death he travels back to his home town he left years ago to dish out some pain, and (of course) play father to his Brother's daughter. What follows is a gangster farce about porn, hookers and 'Mr. Bigs'. Sounds cool?, in fact Sly even looks cool, but unfortunately it isn't.

Get Carter (2002) is one of the best looking movies stallone has ever been cast in. The cinematography of Mauro Fiore (Training Day) is exquisite. It's a shame that Director Stephen Kay couldn't match that. And I'm not sure what went wrong with the editing (strange, because it was the same guy who edited 'Apocalypse Now'). The Film just feels out of sync. It doesnt flow very well at all. The action is good(if too sparse) but seems to have an unwelcome comedy feel to it throughout. John McGinley, and Mickey Rourke in particular, give excellent performances as the bad guys. What bothers me is Stallone's attempt to play a 'hard man' and 'long lost loving uncle' at the same time. It just doesn't work. Stallone isn't helped either by the rest of the cast which boasts Rhona Mitra as a main character(with a particularly poor performance). Miranda Richardson suffers too in this movie as Carter's Brother's wife. Surprisingly, Michael Caine makes a cameo too, although I can't help thinking I wish he hadn't.

It could have been brilliant, but instead it's (dare I say it) a hard to follow, badly paced, and forgettable film. That sounds bad, but it's still worth a rent though (even just for the fact it looks great).

I'll give it 5/10. Average.
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