2008 Review: Not Bad My first Review:Utter Garbage
10 December 2001
2008 Review:

I recently caught this flick again on cable, and thought..."I wonder what I wrote about it way back when?" So, here I am digging up my own words and going, "gosh, was I harsh!"

This really is not as bad as I stated below. I mean, it is not funnier than Scary Movie, but it really does have a charm all its own.

I actually did laugh a few more than 2 times. I mean, not laugh out loud, but it did have some decent stuff. Sorry for such a nasty 1st review.

Original Review:

Okay for anyone to say this movie was far better or funnier than Scary movie, need to have their head examined. i think only 1 or 2 times did i give a slight chuckle. the comedy was just not here...the sets ups were bland and predictable. the editing...well, it seems someone used a lot of scotch tape to piece this trash together. to me, this was not a spoof...but a stream of ridiculous scenes taped together and called a film. this would never, never have lasted in theaters. reviewers have said this was funnier and would have made more money than Scary Movie...huh, wrong...

forcing us to think teen pregnancy, masturbation, alveoli and drugs are funny in teen movies, is just ignorant. nothing urinal or special abotu this "spoof". I hope it doesn't not spawn a sequel like the credits promise....

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