Disappointing vampire film
19 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
****************** SPOILERS AHEAD ******************

I had hopes that this would be an entertaining Vampire movie. Alas, it is a complete mess through and through. The story is all over the place and never really makes all that much sense. I wouldn't really even call it a "Vampire Movie" until the last 30 minutes. In fact, the first 30 minutes have practically no Horror in them, except for the very first scene.

The story ranges from Afghanistan, to Mexico, to the USA. We see a brief murder scene at the beginning of the picture, which of course the police suspect is the work of a Vampire as the culprit. Next the story involves a Mercenary team working in Afghanistan in 1989 when the Russians were at war. We see a Vampire (or we think so) in the desert in broad daylight detained by locals who want him killed by the Mercs. One of the Mercs steps up to him and gets bitten, so he shoots him dead without thinking any more of it. The vampire died easily from a normal bullet??? That was never explained and contradicts what happens later in the movie. Next, fast forward to an rebel uprising in Mexico...where we see the same Merc looking like a deranged hippie with long hair. We also see a "Mexican General", or i guess he was at least...it never really explained that part of the story in much depth either. This General seemed American to me (or the acting at least), only adding to the utter confusion of the plot. What happens next is the transformation of the Merc into a Vampire (after how many years after the bite???). The story becomes mostly laughable after that and really isn't worth mentioning. A little is explained in the end, but i never felt like most of the hooks in the plot were followed through.

My main complaint with this film is the fact that the plot seems like a complete mess. This film doesn't pretend to be a David Lynch style of incoherence. Rather, it simply fails to follow a good story and leaves the viewer frustrated with it's results. Another complaint is the casting and acting, the lead role is by a guy who looks like a twin of George Michael. His acting seemed rather stagnant at times. I am also a fan of Gary Busey, but he seemed awfully cast in this one.

Bottom line: There are many superior "Vampire B-Movies" out there that are much more enjoyable. 3 out of 10 stars...at least some of the scenes were filmed well.
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