Review of Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor (2001)
Readers digest's condensed view of WWII pacific theater films.
29 May 2001
This film begs the question, "Why bother?" Every aspect of this film has been done better in at least one movie. The love story cannot compare to "From Here to Eternity." The events at Pearl Harbor are surpassed by "Tora, Tora, Tora." The Doolittle raid was covered more enjoyably in "60 Seconds Over Tokyo." This film is a pale version of all those great movies. Was this movie great as some reviewers contend? Not when compared to those and "The Battle of Midway", "The Flying Leathernecks", or even "South Pacific". The CGI was impressive at some times and unwatchable at others. When crew members fell off the bombed out ships, they flew in parabolic arcs. Now I don't expect animators to be physics majors, but I would like them to have seen something fall. The "Top Gun" gimmickry was hard to take as well. Oh, look at the bad boys. Make sure you remember what they get chewed out for, because it's the secret weapon later on.

Moving on to the events of the day. Yes, we were caught by surprise, though new evidence presents intriguing new questions to the debate. Yes, the bases were devastated. Yes, there were signs that any Monday morning quarterback could spot. But, as the attack happened, training took over. "Pearl Harbor" depicts most of those caught in the event to be wholly inept cowards. I've since gone back and reviewed some real footage of the event, and watched brave men strip machine guns from crippled planes while under fire, stepping in to take the place of those who are shot. Damage control teams fighting fires as enemy planes strafe. This movie is a disservice to all their memories.

"If you want historical accuracy, go to the library" is what I believe one reviewer wrote. I have two very important questions for that reviewer, and all who believe that. Was Pearl Harbor such a boring event that lies need to be told in order to be entertaining? Did the brave men and women who chose to defend our country at a time when most turned their backs on the events in Europe and Asia need to be portrayed so poorly, and on the day that is reserved to commemorate them? Idiotic scenes of Americana saturate the beginning of the attack; a group of boys playing baseball, a woman hanging clothes on the line. IT WAS 7:00 IN THE MORNING! Does anyone who watched the movie know why Cuba Gooding Jr's character got a medal? I'll give you a hint. It was not for boxing.

There are many wonderful stories yet to be told about Pearl Harbor, and CGI can bring that event to us more vividly than ever before, so save your praises for this horse. It's dead.
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