A Secret Affair (1999 TV Movie)
This story was lovely romance. The photography was excellent.
2 November 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very well done television movie. Vanessa Stewart is a beautiful American woman engaged to be married. Vanessa is an artist and is also a buyer for her father's company. She goes to Venice on a business trip and meets television reporter Bill Fitzgerald from Ireland. They fall madly in love in the four days they are in Venice. Venice is just a beautiful place. This is a very nice tour of the city. Vanessa realizes, because of him that she would rather be an artist than a business person. She comes back to the States, and he invites her to meet in Ireland. There she meets his mother and daughter. Vanessa comes back to the U.S. and breaks her engagement. Bill and Vanessa are supposed to meet again in Venice. Bill is on assignment in a war zone and is kidnaped by looters. There is a ransom to be paid, but nobody shows up to get the ransom money. A severely burned and unrecognizable body was found in a church nearby where the exchange of the money was to take place. Bill is presumed dead. The body found was not the body of Bill but the body of one of the looters who was wearing Bill's watch and ring. He escapes and returns to home to his mother, daughter and Vanessa. I was reading at Amazon.com about the book in which this movie was based. The teleplay seems to have a different ending. I enjoyed the movie very much. This story was lovely romance. The photography was excellent.
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