This was soooooooooooooooooooo bad
30 October 1999
This movie had some of the worst computer animation ever. Sure, I didn't expect the movie to have as great animation as A Bug's Life, but I still expected this TV movie to have decent effects. Yet, once again, TV has disappointed me. The voices for the movie were totally miscast. The only convincing voice of the animated film was that of the narrator, voiced by Clancy Brown. The way Ichabod and Brom Bones looked was awful, especially Brom Bones. They were such atrocious designs. But the worst design of all was that of the Hessian/Headless Horseman when he had a head. Come on! Give us a facial feature a little more frightening than some bald guy with an extremely fat head. Ugh! The cast was absolutely wasted. Everyone had the worst dialogue. The worst part of the film was the "shock" ending. It was incredibly cheesy. The only part of the film that was half-decent was the beginning scene, where the Headless Horseman decapitated a frightened villager in the woods. The music was horrible and the directing was bad. The film destroyed a great story. This atrocious movie just makes me want to see the upcoming Sleepy Hollow movie all the more, which is also based on the Washington Irving story...well, sort of. I'm sure that movie will get it right, unlike this horrible little film. If you were waiting to see this movie on Fox and missed it, believe me, you didn't miss much.
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