Endgame (2000 TV Movie)
Beckett straight.
7 March 2001
'Endgame' is often considered Beckett's masterpiece, arguably the greatest play of the 20th century. The musicality, companionship and lightness underpinning 'Waiting for Godot''s despair is replaced by claustrophobia; just as Vladimir and Estragon, kept alive by hope, are taken over by Hamm and Clov, bitter, maimed master and servant, waiting not for Godot, just the end.

The play's apocalyptic comedy, complete with parents kept in dustbins, is a chessgame about death; mental disintegration in a meaningless universe; an allegory for the theatre. There are never any escapes in Beckett's hells, just the knowledge that the grim winding down of a life will be deferred for tomorrow night's performance.

For me, the play is also an hilarious parody of the Anglo-Irish Big House story, with Hamm the cruel landlord, withering solitary as the Famine lashes outside, littered with the corpses he refused to help, always witholding that saving kind word, as we all do.

Director MacPherson is himself an acclaimed playwright, and surely sensitive to Beckett as theatre, not just the words which enthrall other filmmakers of his work. He shoots his film in the obtrusively unobtrusive style of a BBC schools educational video, with minimal cinematic flourish.
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