Unbreakable (2000)
So Much for the Hype
19 November 2001
Unbreakable 7/10

<11/27/00> I expected to rate Bounce and Unbreakable just the opposite of how I actually ended up rating them. I thought that Bounce would be this straight "chick flick", which it was, but amazingly enough it still turned out to be decently entertaining. With Unbreakable, my expectations were way too high. The trailers, which showed the audience virtually nothing, had me eagerly anticipating something dark and mysterious, but what I got instead was slightly less than adequate schlock. I am not saying that Unbreakable was horrible; in fact, it was far from it and I would see it again. It's clearly a movie for comic book lovers, which I am, BTW, but that doesn't negate basic film analysis. It just wasn't invigorating when it clearly needed to be, had a lack of basic momentum, was too concerned with odd camera angles, wasn't very thought-provoking, and concluded with yet another cheap, gimmicky ending a la The Sixth Sense that doesn't work. That said, I still liked the film. It was brooding and dark, Twilight Zone like. Too bad general audiences will probably bad-mouth it to their friends for certain.

Still, worth a repeat viewing.

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