Review of The Calling

The Calling (I) (2000)
Goes for the jugular...and misses
28 January 2002
This film was one with huge aspirations and enormous implications. However, so many things were done poorly that the audience is left numbed instead of scared. Every single plot point which, should frighten us with a new revelation is murky and thus needs clearing up with a flashback. Both the script and the directing seriously hinder what is in essence not a bad story. While it certainly trudges along like "The Omen" it misses the impact of "Rosemary's Baby." Another huge problem is that the acting is terrible. Laura Harris looks as if she was plucked from the cast of "Beverly Hills 90210" and acts like it. Alice Krige as always plays the seductive vixen, HOW ORIGINAL! Francis Magee's character doesn't play evil necessarily but more like a deranged version of Groundskeeper Willie on the "Simpsons. " This whole cast deserves to have this be their swan song aside from Alex Roe-Brown because he's young and blameless in this tragedy. What's sad is that this story had the potential to be truly great but so many mistakes were made with it that it ended up being a joke.
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