Waydowntown (2000)
Simply amazing...
19 August 2001
This movie was hilarious! Simply put, it is purely great humour. Practically anyone will like this movie for it's many very realistic characters who all seem to go insane! This movie sits somewhere between reality and fantasy, for it uses both aspects in a beautiful way, somehow finding a perfect point between the two.

It's about these people who make a bet that they will not go outside of this connected office building complex in the heart of downtown CITYX which looks sorta like Calgary. Anyhow, it shows their lives, interactions, and trying to live a human life in the strange box they call home... It makes for a weird, but interesting scenario, and the main character's ant-farm clearly parallels the film's main scenario.

This film not only has excellent acting, but the directing was great too. The script was intelligent and well written, and everything about this movie screams WELL DONE! I mean, for the small little Canadian budget they had, they did excellent! I wouldn't be surprised if this movie becomes an underground classic. Or gets rereleased by a bigger company to rake in the dough at the box office.... frankly, I am surprised how little anyone knows about this movie. Well... See this movie if you havn't yet! It is not to be missed! I reccommend to all, for you will all love this movie. SEE IT!


Oh, and the superhero scenes are just awesome! You'll know what I mean! *L* :) Ahh, just thinking about this movie makes me want to start laughing, it's the funniest thing I've seen ever..... in a movie at least. Watch and enjoy. Don't miss it!
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