everybody should see this
1 May 2000
Watching this movie was quite an emotional experience for me. It made me realise what a truly brilliant man Gandhi was and the undeniable truth in his ideas. It also helped me appreciate how revolutionary these ideas were when they were first suggested, and how influential and relevant they are even today.

The film is about three non-violent 'revolutions' that occurred this century - in India in the 30s, Black America in the late 50s and South Africa in the 80s. The makers of this film have done a good job of choosing to reduce the temporal scope of the documentaries, resulting in a detailed study of the actual logistics of civil disobedience. They have managed to obtain some amazing footage, in each of the three cases, that i had not seen before - such as the reactions of white store-owners in tennessee, and the riots in the townships of south africa.

I had the pleasure of watching it on film, rather than on tv. If you are interested in watching it, it will be shown on PBS in (the summer? of) 2000. For exact dates, contact your local PBS affiliate.
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