Boring...how slower can this movie get!
29 January 2004
Again, I had higher expectations. I was definitely disappointed. I tried to pay attention to the movie. I tried to sit in one spot while watching it. And I've also tried to like it. To be honest, its not a terrible film, but it drags. Does it have a few slow parts?? No, it has MANY slow parts. There were literally maybe a couple or a few parts (at max) in the movie that actually had some sort of action in it. Though I'd give credits for it being filmed in one of the most remote places of Norway...Finnmark. Also, its story wasn't all that bad at all. I've always loved Northern Norway...therefore, I didn't hesitate to watch this film. Perhaps I could have caught quite a few more glimpses of the vast wilderness there in this movie, of this beautiful part of the country...since the story talked about how a fishing village's economy was on a downfall. But all there was, was talking...talking...and talking. It takes patience to watch this film. I can handle some slower films, but this one didn't catch my attention. The plot was not strong enough, unlike "Insomnia" and "Cellofan/Cellophane".

Overall, if you don't mind a slow movie, this wouldn't be a terrible one. But personally, I must say this is probably my least-favourite Norwegian films that I have in my collection. Most films I can watch a second time or a few times...but this one, I'd have to be drunk.

6/10 (to be nice)
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