Lady Audley's Secret (2000 TV Movie)
An interesting opportunity for character study
12 August 2001
I thoroughly enjoyed this film, even though it's not something I would generally pick up to watch. I think it is a bit bizarre that Lady Audley was created for "Mystery" -- the mystery portion itself was the least interesting. The challenge both for actors and audience lies in trying to uncover what makes these characters tick. Especially good is Julliette Caton, as the ingenuous Alicia; the best part of the story is watching her grow up. It was also impossible to think badly of Jamie Bamber's George Talboys, who seemed like a genuinely great guy. I plan to check the library for the book, because there are complexities that cannot be explored properly in a television special.

If you are looking for Poirot, pass this by. I would place this more along the lines of a dark Jane Austen novel.
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