Ending completely ruins movie
21 August 2004
French version of movie of cops on the look for a serial killer. Story also focuses on private lives of both cops involved.

Lots of scenes happen in dark forests of the French Ardennes where the killer tends to operate and this creates a very gloomy atmosphere.On the whole this is a very well made and tense thriller and stays thought provoking until the end, but sadly not until the very end.

Because then it goes all wrong. The ending is weird and ruins the entire movie, which a damn shame as 95 % of the movie is quite good. Did the producers just ran out of money or did the crew just got tired and wanted to wrap up the movie asap ? I do not know who is to blame for such a shambles of an ending but if it was the director he should be serously considering giving up movie-making altogether. Probably a good thing then that he had to wait another 4 years to make a movie again («Agents secrets » with la Bellucci) and it seems it is pretty bad. Probably ruined the ending again.

All good movies have brilliant endings and just bungling it up this way is nothing less then an insult to the spectator.
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