Worth a look...
29 November 2001
This film tells the story of Herbert Biberman (Jeff Goldblum), who is blacklisted at the height of the anti-communism movement. Listed along with him are Michael Williams, a screenwriter (Geraint Wyn-Davies), producer Paul Jarrico (John Sessions, who does a fine American accent) and Edward Dmytryk (Sean Chapman). Biberman is thrown in prison because he and his wife, actress Gale Sondergaard (Greta Scacchi) refuse to "name names" of communist friends. Later on, the film deals with the making of "Salt of the Earth", which tells the story of Mexican mine workers who decided to strike due to unfair practices. Biberman first casts his wife in the lead role, then replaces her with Mexican actress Rosaura Revueltas (Angela Molina). Sondergaard, who has been unable to find work for years because of her husband, is very upset by this, but continues to stand by her husband. I think this is a story that needed to be told, but I think the direction could have been better. All of the performances were excellent. I don't think that this is a "must see" film, but it's worth seeing if you are interested in this period of history or are a fan of any of the actors in the film.
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