27 August 2000
The Kings of Comedy is like rush hour traffic....stop..go...stop...go....then all of a sudden...PEDAL TO THE FLOOR when bernie mac came on!!!!! Geared to a black audience...as most Spike Lee "Joints" are, Kings of Comedy had some hilarious jokes in it...and some that were just the same recycled humor you hear on BET every weekend You have to have a sense of humor going into the movie and cannot be easily offended by off-color jokes and especially (KEY POINT HERE)jokes about the caucasian persuasion..it is just entertainment!!! Steve Harvey does a good job MCing the show..while D.L. Hughley is ok in his bits...Cedric the Entertainer was mostly disappointing as he didnt seem to come up with anything new for his act...but Bernie Mac stole the show! See it just for Bernie...he makes it all worthwhile!
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