7 September 2003
"In extremis" takes a very interesting subject,then completely botches the job.

A brother,Thomas, and a sister,Anne, lost their parents some years back.They never overcame the tragedy .After his partner's death,Thomas would like to adopt her son,Grégoire.But the society does not agree :Thomas is an unstable bisexual guy who hangs around the gay nightclubs,and Anne is nothing but a whore;besides,they have incestuous relations.

With its "cultural" hints,its sometimes inaudible lines and its turgid music,the movie fails totally to convince .Enough is enough.The scene when Grégoire attends an orgy is not even shocking:it's downright implausible.The director obviously wanted to make a daring work whereas the subject demanded simplicity and true emotion.We would like to side with Thomas and Anne and it's almost impossible .
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